Poverty is generally measured in absolute terms i.e. based on nutritional intake and other physical needs. Such type of measurement is usually defined as fixed poverty line e.g. one dollar poverty line.In long terms poverty measured in terms of absolute poverty tend to decrease with increasing income of people, but relatively as IM Rubinow has suggested luxury become necessity becomes need . Hence poverty according to IM Rubinow should be measured in relative terms to overcome the drawback suffered by absolute poverty measurement. Able-smith and Townsend in their analysis "poor and the poorest" used relative poverty measures to establish that cause of poverty is largely associated with large family sizes where as a similar study based on absolute poverty measurements by Seebohm Rowntree in NY over half a century concluded that sickness old age and inability to do work are major reason for poverty.
Theory of Poverty
1. Theory of vicious cycle : Poverty is a positive feedback system. It makes sure that poor remain poor. According to David Capluvitz , poor pay more for what they purchase because they are poor. For eg. they purchase in smaller lots or on credit and have to pay more then rich. If a poor buys a car, he has to pay more premium on insurance as the changes for theft in his locality is more. Another sociologist Ralph Miliband has pointed out that economic deprivation is cause of political deprivation and Political deprivation make sure that economic deprivation prevail.
2. Theory of Poverty Culture: Oscar Lewis is pioneer in field of poverty culture. According to Oscar Lewis poverty has impact at individual level , family level and community level.It develops a culture and this culture help maintain poverty. The impact of poverty at all three levels are illustrated below:
- Individual Level : Poor at individual level feel helpless, dependence and their outlook to society is fatalistic.
- Family Level : Are unable to maintain family and fulfill family requirements.They abandon wife and child. Most of the marriages end in divorce and family head is usually mother.
- Community level : They are not part of union or political institution . Participation of poor in public institutes like school, hospital and union is very less.
Walter B Miller agrees with Oscar Lewis he sees such poverty culture in American Soceity. According to him they focus on mascularity features like roughness and tufness. This sub culture of poverty provides low - skilled and low wage workforce.
Elliot Liebow has proposed theory of manly flaws. According to the theory man in order to hide his failure take support of muscularity, tuffness and tries to justify himself on those account. The reason for divorce , domestic fight can be explained using theory of manly flaws.
3. Theory of Situational Constraint : Theory of contrain rejects the idea of poverty sub - culture. According to theory of contrain given by Hylans Lewis, poor are unable to translate many values into reality due to poverty. They are contrained by poverty and once such constrains are removed they are more likely to follow values of mainstream and hence there is no such poverty sub - culture but its reaction to the constrains imposed on them by poverty.
4. Marxian Perspective :Marxist blame private ownership and capitalism as root cause of poverty. Poors are having less bargain power in share of profits and hence capital owner takes away majority of profit. Poverty provide them labour and help them in maintaining low wages and higher profit margin. JC Kincaid , a Marxist has emphasized that poverty is problem due to unequal sharing of surplus of production, however govt disguises the true identity of problem and false diagnosis is done. He found little evidences that redistribution of wealth by govt welfare programs has actually reduced poverty , it has only reduced harshness of poverty. Poverty as wealth is inevitable in capitalist system of production.
Westergaard and Resler has accused govt and welfare agencies for searching cause of poverty.Diagonsis is false, they try to disguise true nature of exploitation.Further he has accused welfare professions for being agents of ruling class. Poverty cannot be abolished in capitalist society. Radical changes is required for its removal.
5. Weberian Perspective : According to Weber, class situation of a individual is dependent on market situation. With technological advancement demand for non-skill workers is decreasing. One can command rewards according to his skills.Not all working class is poor only old, sick, large families and people with general skill find difficulties in obtaining employment
Herbert G Hans has stated that poverty is always not evil, it also serves some functions in society.According to the author poverty helps in maintaining low wages and helps in increases profit for capital owners. Poverty provides baseline for failure. Poor people also become scapegoat for non-poors , thereby they help reduce their pressure. Benefit to non-poor is also one of the reason due to which non-poors are reluctant to address problem of poverty.
Solution to Poverty
1. American way : American sociologists have taken poverty culture theories for solution of povery. According to them poverty is due to culture of poverty that is perpetuating from generation to generation. American govt policies are targeted towards re-socialization of poor with middle class values. These policies have put entire responsibility of poverty and being poor on individuals. American sociologists are against providing direct benefits to poor in form of cash or subsidy. Review of American policies against elimination of poverty suggest that they have failed miserably.
2. UK way: UK has adopted welfare policies like social security including but not limited to direct cash transfers to poor and unemployed.